Indeed, WWII is the best documented war of all times. But the Holocaust deniers have a political agenda. It is not quite the stealth-editing going now.

When you see that the publishers want to rewrite Agatha Christie's books, and others, to make them politically correct, that society demands revisions in everything to be more inclusive, that is really frightening. I am fully in agreement to make everything more inclusive, but from now on, not what happened in the past. The next generations need to learn how things really were and how they changed. And hopefully don't repeat the same mistakes.

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I have caught flack as a reviewer for the past five years because of this very subject, distorting History. I rate books based on non negotiable facts, I realize that fiction is escapism and hopefully entertaining in the bargain, but when an author decides to gallop so far outside the realms of what could have conceivably happened to ludicrous, I screech halt, an example; a proper young lady in 1800 walks by herself and knocks on a bachelor's door in broad daylight, and proceeds do whatever, that alone would have ruined her, and as liberal as the man can be, he would find her too fast to be his wife, so we have me on the Traditional side, and the crowd who thinks this could happen and HEA, now, throw AI into the mix, and what happens? The AI could have Waterloo being unkind to the French, ladies being prostitutes one minute and the next curtseying before the King, or Queen, the mind boggles at what can happen in the publishing world if AI has complete control, instead of the heroic Scarlett Pimpernel, the AI would justify the murders of innocent men, women, and children simply because they were wealthy, titled, or both. Yes, I agree with the Holocaust theory, AI would turn such a horrendous barbaric time in history as nothing more than a conspiracy by a group of political fanatics. Elon Musk is right about stopping AI. It is dangerous and needs to be stopped before it's genius is used for evil by evil men.


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Made me think of a conversation I'd had with another author around this. It was more about the statues or other items being found deep in forests that were never seen, or known about, until they were found. Which made me think about all the statues that were being taken down years ago for whatever the people reasoned they should be. I'd thought - what about those statues and relics destroyed hundreds of years ago that we have/had no idea about? What history was rewritten for an agenda even back then? Hidden from us, known only by some until they passed? Like learning the real story behind so many important figures to so many movements. We find out it was different from what is in history books, and often the real hero names are/were hidden from us in favor of a "better" choice.

Just made me think a lot about how we will be written, seen, and how they are doing it even now. Where they blatantly will lie in a video because they know that's all that will be archived, all that will be passed on/recalled. All we have is individual stories that tell the truth, and like you do for your stories, unless another hunts for it and works hard to find it, it will be buried beneath what the ones in charge tell people and overshadow. Stories are eternal. Maybe with AI coming, it'll archive it and crave stories and hunting all those down, or who knows. It's upsetting to think of all the stories that were altered for more "favorable" ways of telling them, but I don't think it benefits anyone to have a cherry picked pretty picture of the past. What would we learn from that?

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It's going to be interesting alright. I see a lot of historical revisionism on Wikipedia, as well as biases being inserted to the extent that Wikipedia is no longer a reliable source. Likewise even the revisionism that's going on with older novels, basically being bowdlerized to suit current political truthspeak. It's going to be increasingly difficult for historians of the future to separate truth from fiction, or propaganda for that matter. Witness the Russia-Ukraine war right now amongst other things, where information warfare is ongoing. And take a look at China, where the party decides what history is, a pattern right out of 1984, as is all the current truthspeak we see. Stealth editing is yet another aspect of that, as is control of access to information and the ability to communicate as you wish and media censorship. It's the old if the tree falls and no-one is there to hear it conundrum. Sure, you can write and publish online whatever you want, but if the algorithms won't share what you've written, did you actually communicate with anyone? LOL.

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